Tuvalu 2022 $5 2022 5oz Signs of the Zodiac Silver Antiqued Coloured Coin Perth Mint



  • Ian Rank-Broadley effigy of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 

  • 99.99% pure silver

  • Rimless

  • Tuvalu legal tender 

  • Mintage of 388 

  • Beautiful presentation packaging

  • Numbered Certificate of Authenticity  

  • 5oz Antiqued Coin 

  • Coloured

Ptolemy gave the concept of Astrology scientific respectability in the 2nd century AD when he codified many pre-existing astrological beliefs. He described the zodiac (meaning ‘circle of little animals’) as comprising the 12 constellations, matching them with the month of their apparent ascendancy: 

• Aries – the ram (March 21 – April 19) 

• Taurus – the bull (April 20 – May 20) 

• Gemini – the twins (May 21 – June 20) 

• Cancer – the crab (June 21 – July 22) 

• Leo – the lion (July 23 – August 22) 

• Virgo – the maiden (August 23 – September 22) 

• Libra – the scales (September 23 – October 22) 

• Scorpio – the scorpion (October 23 – November 21) 

• Sagittarius – the centaur (November 22 – December 21) 

• Capricorn – the goat (December 22 – January 19) 

• Aquarius – the water bearer (January 20 – February 18) 

• Pisces – the fish (February 19 – March 20) 

To Ptolemy, this ever-changing movement of the stars and planets created atmospheres to which Earth’s inhabitants were sensitive, an idea which continues to resonate with many people to this day. Closely associated with the signs of the zodiac, a horoscope (derived from the Greek words ōra and scopos meaning ‘time’ and ‘observer’) is a chart of the heavens at a precise point in time – such as someone’s birthdate. 

Astrology interprets the meaning of the chart to explain aspects of the individual’s personality and predict future events. The coin portrays coloured artistry of each star sign created by Perth Mint designer Lucas Bowers. Each sign is accompanied by inscriptions of its name and its pictogram. At the centre of the design is a stylised motif representing the Sun. 

The Ian Rank-Broadley effigy of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II is portrayed on the coin’s obverse, which also includes its purity, weight, denomination and 2022 year-date. 

No more than 388 of the Signs of the Zodiac 2022 5oz Silver Antiqued Coloured Coin will be released. 


Each coin is housed in a classic display case within an illustrated shipper and accompanied by a numbered Certificate of Authenticity.