2024 5oz Five Ancient Chinese Auspicious Creatures Silver Antiqued Coloured Coin


The coin’s reverse portrays five coloured creatures, each within a circular border. The animals are arranged around a taijitu, popularly known as the yin and yang symbol. Also in the design are stylised clouds, omens of good fortune, and a chinese pattern.

Significant in ancient Chinese mythology, the five creatures comprise [clockwise, from the top]:

The Phoenix

The phoenix represents summer and the south, the colour red, fire and knowledge. Appearing in times of good fortune, the phoenix is symbolic of resurrection and immortality, and is believed to bring happiness to the people.

The Qilin
A gentle, horse-shaped creature with a dragon-like head adorned with antlers, the qilin is considered to be a harbinger of happiness, peace and stability. Visible only to chosen ones, it is also said to promote success in children.

The Dragon

A symbol of supreme power revered as benevolent and just, the serpentine-shaped dragon is a bringer of wealth, abundance, and good fortune. An azure dragon also represents spring, wood, and the east.

The Turtle

For assisting the emperor, the turtle was said to be rewarded with longevity. Symbolising winter and the north, its domed shell represents the universe, and its flat underside, the Chinese people’s concept of a flat Earth.

The Pixui

Combining physical traits of a lion and a dragon, the pixiu is believed to have an insatiable appetite for gold and silver. While males guard wealth, females are said to protect against evil spirits, as a pair bringing happiness and good fortune.

The coin portrays the Jody Clark effigy of His Majesty King Charles III on the obverse, which also includes the weight, purity, and monetary denomination.

2024 Five Ancient Chinese Auspicious Creatures 5oz Silver Antiqued Coloured Coin is struck by The Perth Mint from 5oz of 99.99% pure silver and has a limited mintage of 388 coins.