Cameroon 2024 5000 Francs CFA Garden of Eden 5oz .999 Silver Coin ONLY 100 MADE



This coin is more than just another story about the Garden of Eden. For us, as a mint, it represents a significant achievement – a unique half-apple-shaped creation with a complex design crafted using a multi-level minting technique. The shape, in particular, is what we are most proud of, as it showcases the professionalism and expertise of our craftsmen, honed over many years of practice.

The exclusive coin, “Garden of Eden,” depicts the pivotal moment of humanity’s fall, when Eve, tempted by the ancient serpent, hands the forbidden fruit to Adam. This dramatic scene is a popular motif in Western art, religious thought, and philosophy, retelling the biblical story for each new generation. 

In the Garden of Eden, where the first humans lived in blessed conditions, they were allowed to eat from all trees except one – the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. However, the devil, disguised as a serpent, deceived Eve by claiming that people would become like God if they ate the forbidden fruit. After taking a bite, Eve offered it to Adam. They then realized they were naked and sewed clothes from fig leaves. As a punishment for disobeying the command, Adam and Eve became mortal and were expelled from the beautiful Garden of Eden. 

The “Garden of Eden” coin convincingly captures the shape of a real fruit. Despite its appearance, it is crafted without casting techniques! The impressive shape of this pure silver coin is achieved through a multi-step minting process. 

This striking coin attracts attention both for its shape and its content. It will especially appeal to enthusiasts of religion, history, and philosophy. Yet, at its core, it speaks to each of us, as it tells a story about the entire human race. 

“But the serpent said to the woman, “You will not certainly die! For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”  

  • Specifications:


    Silver Ag999

    Design by

    Miroslav Hric


    antique finish



    Face value

    5000 CFA Francs

    Date of issue



    High relief


    Presentation box, certificate

